Regulatory Filings

Environmental Assessment Permits & Reports

Woodfibre LNG has been granted three major environmental approvals, the Squamish Nation Environmental Assessment Agreement, its British Columbia Environmental Assessment Certificate and its Federal Decision Statement.


Regulatory Filings Library

Woodfibre LNG maintains a regulatory filings library that includes its Federal Decision Statement, British Columbia Environmental Assessment Certificate, regular reports and Environmental Management Plans.

Federal Decision Statement

Woodfibre LNG Federal Decision Statement Implementation Schedule March 2023

Woodfibre LNG Federal Decision Statement Implementation Schedule (August 2021)

Woodfibre LNG Federal Decision Statement Implementation Schedule (March 2020)

Woodfibre LNG Federal Decision Statement Implementation Schedule (November 2019)

Woodfibre LNG Federal Decision Statement Implementation Schedule (November 2018)

Federal Government Environmental Assessment Decision Statement – REISSUED (March 2018)

Federal Decision Statement (March 2016)

Provincial Environmental Assessment Certificate

Woodfibre LNG BC Environmental Assessment Certificate – Amendment No. 3 (November 2023)

Woodfibre LNG BC Environmental Assessment Certificate – Application for Amendment No. 3 (November 2019)

Woodfibre LNG BC Environmental Assessment Certificate – Amendment No. 2 (July 2019)

Woodfibre LNG BC Environmental Assessment Certificate – Application for Amendment No. 2 (April 2019)

Woodfibre LNG BC Environmental Assessment Certificate – Amendment No. 1 (July 2017)

Woodfibre LNG BC Environmental Assessment Certificate – Application for Amendment No. 1 (January 2017)

Woodfibre LNG BC Environmental Assessment Certificate – Schedule B Table of Conditions

Woodfibre LNG BC Environmental Assessment Certificate (October 2015)


Floatel Noise Monitoring Survey Report

These reports summarize the results of the Woodfibre LNG Noise Monitoring Survey, which monitors air quality and noise for floatel occupants. They are posted on a quarterly or as-needed basis as part of Woodfibre LNG’s fulfilment of Condition 30 of its provincial Environmental Assessment Certificate. 


Woodfibre LNG Project Federal Decision Statement Annual Report 2023

Construction Waste Discharge Authorization (PE-111578) Weekly Reports

These reports summarize the results of the discharge and compliance monitoring program specific to Waste Discharge Authorization Effluent Permit PE-111578 issued by the British Columbia Energy Regulatory to Woodfibre LNG on February 9, 2024.

Floatel Air Quality Monitoring Station Report

These reports summarize the ambient air quality monitoring data for the Woodfibre LNG floatel. They are posted monthly to fulfil the requirements established in the Woodfibre LNG Floatel Air Quality Management and Monitoring Plan.



Federal Decision Statement Annual report 2022

Woodfibre LNG Project Federal Decision Statement Annual Report (2022)

July-2021-Wildfire-90 Day-Report (October 2021)


Woodfibre LNG Project Federal Decision Statement Annual Report (2021)

Federal Decision Statement Woodfibre LNG Annual Report (April 2020)

Woodfibre LNG 2018 Annual Report (March 2019)

Environmental Management Plans

Gender and Cultural Safety Plan

Community Services and Infrastructure Management Plan

Construction Environmental Management Plan

Invasive Plant Management Plan

Construction Wildlife Management & Monitoring Plan

Marine Fish and Fish Habitat Management and Monitoring Plan

Marine Mammal Management and Monitoring Plan

Marine Water Quality Management & Monitoring Plan

Traffic Management Plan

Water Management Plan – Construction

Heritage and Archaeology Resources Management Plan

Indigenous Communication Plan for Accidents and Malfunctions

Construction Marine Transportation Management and Monitoring Plan