Marine Transportation
Information and Schedule

Woodfibre LNG is committed to providing information on our marine transportation activities in Howe Sound, including providing cargo vessel, passenger ferry, barge and water taxi schedules, as well as safety and navigation considerations.

Route Information

The vessel schedules below provide an estimated date and time of departure and arrival of vessels during construction. The Project Access Routes map shows marine access routes that will be used for marine transportation during construction including: 

  • Squamish Harbour Route: Passage through Mamquam Blind Channel and Squamish Harbour to Woodfibre LNG.
  • Darrell Bay Route: Passage from Darrell Bay through Squamish Harbour to Woodfibre LNG.
  • Vancouver Route: Passage though Howe Sound, including Queen Charlotte Channel, Passage Island between Cowan and Point Atkinson to Pam Rocks, Montagu Channel east of Anvil Island, continuing northeast of the Defence Islands to Woodfibre LNG.
  • Port Mellon Route: Passage from Port Mellon through Howe Sound, including Thornbrough Channel, north of Domett Point to Squamish Harbour, and to Woodfibre LNG.

Weekly Arrivals and Departures

Week of July 9 – July 15, 2024

Vessel TypeProject ActivityClientOperatorHoursRoute
Passenger Vessel (12 person capacity)Personnel transportationWLNGBridgemansDaily between 6:30am and 5:00pmSquamish Harbour Route
Passenger Vessel (50 person capacity)Personnel transportationWLNGBridgemansDaily between 5:15am and 6:00pmDarrell Bay Route
Passenger Vessel (40 person capacity)Personnel transportationWLNGLNGLNG/FortisBCDaily between 5:15am and 6:00pmDarrell Bay Route
Water taxi (11 person capacity)Personnel transportationFortisBCFortisBCDaily between 5:15am and 6:00pmDarrell Bay Route
Fuel BargeMaterials & equipment transportWLNGLBLNGWeekly on WednesdayVancouver Harbour Route
Tug / BargeMaterials & equipment transportFortisBCSMJVJuly 9Vancouver Harbour Route
Tug / BargeMaterials & equipment transportWLNGLBLNGJuly 10Vancouver Harbour Route
Tug / BargeMaterials & equipment transportFortisBCSMJVJuly 12Vancouver Harbour Route
Tug / BargeMaterials & equipment transportWLNGLBLNGJuly 12Vancouver Harbour Route
Tug / BargeMaterials & equipment transportWLNGLBLNGJuly 15Vancouver Harbour Route
*Vessel activity provided by FortisBC for informational purposes. For questions or specific information related to FortisBC marine traffic please contact 

Marine Safety Considerations

Marine Safety Zone (MSZ)

A MSZ will be established to ensure public safety and site security during Project construction. The MSZ will be controlled by Woodfibre LNG personnel and non-project vessels will be requested to keep a safe distance from the MSZ.

Project Vessel Operation

Project-related vessels and other vessels operating are required to maintain strict adherence to Canadian regulatory requirements, including but not limited to the Collision Regulations under the Canada Shipping Act, 2001. This is a key regulatory requirement to ensure the safe navigation of all vessels. Each Project-related vessel will be controlled by its own captain and crew who have discretion to maneuver the vessel in the safest way possible.

Canadian Coast Guard Notice to Mariners (NOTMAR) and Navigational Warnings (NAVWARN)

Woodfibre LNG will notify the Canadian Coast Guard of activities that may result in navigational obstructions. This information will allow the Canadian Coast Guard to issue Notice to Mariners (NOTMAR) and Navigational Warnings (NAVWARN) as they deem appropriate.

Navigational Aids

Project-related vessels will use existing aids to navigate when transiting marine access routes. The Project will require approval and or a notice of works under the Canadian Navigable Waters Act for all components of the Project in navigable water.

Navigational Charts 

Woodfibre LNG will notify the Canadian Hydrographic Service when it has completed its marine works. This information will allow the Canadian Hydrographic Service to update navigational charts and other nautical publications as they deem appropriate.

BC Ferries

Woodfibre LNG will notify BC Ferries of the intended Project marine access routes prior to commencing construction. Project vessel schedules may be altered if potential interferences are identified between BC Ferries and the Project.


Vessels can be tracked through the following websites: 

Mariners can contact the Canadian Coast Guard’s Marine Communications and Traffic Services (MCTS) Victoria on marine VHF Radio or by telephone.