News & Insights
December Construction Update
Dec 9, 2024
Construction continues on the Woodfibre LNG facility, including work on foundations for the LNG processing equipment and modules that are expected to begin arriving at site in 2025. Current work includes blasting, concrete pouring, demolition of the last legacy building and installation of rock anchors. All regular erosion, sediment control measures and environmental best practices remain in place, with additional efforts to maintain compliance with water management requirements being deployed during weather incidents.

Blasting of the slopeside / rock wall continues to create space for installation of the future permanent export terminal. All blasting will occur during daytime hours. The project has a noise exemption variance permit in place from the District of Squamish as some works are required to continue past noise bylaw hours. Night work is anticipated during December including marine pile installation, form work, concrete pours and site maintenance, including erosion and sediment control.

Woodfibre LNG is limited to conducting in water works during the marine window of least risk, under federal and Squamish Nation regulation. This window opened on August 16, 2024, and will run until January 31, 2025. In December, and throughout the marine window, barges will be visible to support marine piling for both the marine offloading facility, which will accept the facility’s large modules; and the installation of the first permanent piles for the export terminal and floating storage tanks. Pile driving will continue through January. Noise monitoring is in effect at Britannia and Squamish Harbour. All work in or near water is subject to a rigorous marine mammal monitoring program to ensure compliance with the Federal Decision Statement, the Fisheries Act Authorization, and Woodfibre LNG’s environmental management plans for the protection of fish, fish habitat and marine mammals.

Woodfibre LNG has renewed its license for use of local transportation from Darrell Bay from the Ministry of Transportation. Movement of supplies and goods and non-local workforce is required to be direct from the Lower Mainland (other than in limited circumstances where supplies are coming directly from an alternative location in British Columbia).
All non-local project workers are housed on the floatel, and transportation to and from the floatel is from the Lower Mainland (Vancouver). More than 600 non-local workers are staying on the floatel.
Woodfibre LNG held its annual open house in Squamish on November 28, which was attended by approximately 40 members of the public.