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Squamish Nation plans joint review with B.C. and federal regulators for Woodfibre LNG’s work camp
Apr 15, 2020
Excerpt from The Globe and Mail, written by Brent Jang
The Squamish Nation plans to collaborate with B.C. and federal environmental regulators in an innovative process to jointly review a proposed work camp for Woodfibre LNG’s $1.6-billion energy project in British Columbia.
The company said late last month that the COVID-19 pandemic and a business partner’s financial troubles delayed the start of construction for the liquefied natural gas plant by one year, until the summer of 2021.
In the meantime, the work camp still has an important regulatory hurdle to clear before construction begins next year near Squamish, located 65 kilometres north of Vancouver.
Plans for a harmonized regulatory review of the proposed work camp will be voted on by the elected Squamish Nation council as early as Thursday during an online meeting, said Khelsilem, an Indigenous councillor who goes by his traditional name.
Woodfibre LNG wants to begin exporting liquefied natural gas in 2025 from an industrial site on the Squamish Nation’s traditional territory.