News & Insights
Squamish Nation reaches Environmental Assessment Agreement with FortisBC on Eagle Mountain – Woodfibre Gas Pipeline Project
Jun 27, 2016
SQUAMISH, BC — On June 24, 2016, Squamish Nation Chiefs and Council voted to approve an Environmental Assessment Agreement for the proposed Eagle Mountain – Woodfibre Gas Pipeline Project and issued an Environmental Certificate to FortisBC.
The agreement comes from Squamish Nation’s independent environmental review of the project, which began more than two years ago. As part of the agreement, Squamish Nation approved the use of the Mount Mulligan location near Squamish for FortisBC’s natural gas compressor station.
The decision follows Squamish National Council’s approval of an Environmental Assessment Agreement and Environmental Certificate for the Woodfibre LNG Project on October 14, 2015.
The Woodfibre LNG Project is a proposed natural gas liquefaction and export facility located at the former Woodfibre Pulp and Paper Mill, about seven kilometres southwest of Squamish.
The Eagle Mountain – Woodfibre Gas Pipeline Project is an expansion of FortisBC’s existing Vancouver Island natural gas transportation system to provide natural gas service to the Woodfibre LNG Project. The project includes building about 47 kilometres of pipeline between Coquitlam, BC and the Woodfibre LNG site.
For more information about the Squamish Nation Environmental Certificate and Environmental Assessment Agreement for the proposed Eagle Mountain – Woodfibre Gas Pipeline (EGP), visit the Squamish Nation website,
For more information on the Eagle Mountain – Woodfibre Gas Pipeline (EGP) Project, visit
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