News & Insights
Guiding principles for environmental assessments in Canada
Jan 27, 2016
A statement from Byng Giraud, Country Manager & Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Woodfibre LNG Limited:
“At first glance, we feel that the Woodfibre LNG Project meets the guiding principles for environmental assessments introduced today by the Government of Canada.
Not only has the Woodfibre LNG Project undergone a provincial environmental assessment and is nearing the end of a federal environmental review (through the substituted process), but our project has also been subject to a comprehensive and independent environmental review by the Squamish Nation that resulted in the Squamish Nation’s conditional environmental approval of our project.
Public consultation has also resulted in meaningful changes to our project. For example, our decision to power our facility with electricity from BC Hydro, instead of natural gas. This will reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by about 80%, and make Woodfibre LNG one of the cleanest LNG facilities in the world.
With these factors in mind, at Woodfibre LNG Limited, we remain cautiously optimistic that the Woodfibre LNG Project will receive federal environmental approval.”