News & Insights
Woodfibre LNG Receives Environmental Approval in British Columbia
Oct 26, 2015
Squamish, British Columbia — Woodfibre LNG Limited announced today that the B.C. Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) has issued an Environmental Assessment Certificate (EAC) for its proposed Woodfibre LNG project.
The Woodfibre LNG project is a modestly-sized liquefied natural gas (LNG) processing and export facility, located at the former Woodfibre pulp mill site, about seven kilometres southwest of Squamish, British Columbia.
“Receiving environmental approval in British Columbia is not only an important milestone for the Woodfibre LNG project, but it means the people of Squamish and the region are one step closer to realizing the opportunities that an industrial project like Woodfibre LNG can bring,” said Byng Giraud, Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Woodfibre LNG Limited.
Woodfibre LNG project is undergoing a substituted environmental assessment process, whereby the BC EAO coordinates the review process on behalf of both the EAO and the Canadian Environment Assessment Agency (CEAA). The project must meet all provincial and federal requirements, including EAO conditions, to responsibly manage potential effects associated with the proposed project. A federal government decision on the project is expected later this year.
Squamish Nation Environmental Approval
Today’s announcement follows Squamish Nation’s conditional environmental approval (October 14, 2015) of the Woodfibre LNG project, which is located on the traditional territory of Squamish Nation.
“From the very beginning, we committed to Squamish Nation that we would participate in its environmental assessment process,” said Mr. Giraud. “We expected that Squamish Nation would hold us to a very high standard, and the Environmental Assessment Agreement between Woodfibre LNG Limited and Squamish Nation reflects a shared high standard for environmental stewardship.”
The Squamish Nation issued 25 conditions for the Woodfibre LNG Project, 13 of which apply directly to Woodfibre LNG Limited. The Environmental Assessment Agreement includes legally binding conditions that Woodfibre LNG Limited is required to meet for the project to move forward.
An agreement with Squamish Nation and regulatory approvals are important steps toward making a final investment decision on the Woodfibre LNG project
About Woodfibre LNG Limited
Woodfibre LNG Limited is proposing to build a liquefied natural gas (LNG) processing and export facility at the former Woodfibre Pulp and Paper Mill near Squamish, BC. The site features a deep water port, access to a FortisBC pipeline network and BC Hydro transmission lines, is zoned industrial and has been used as an industrial site for about 100 years.
The Woodfibre LNG project comprises construction and operation of a gas processing and liquefaction facility to produce approximately 2.1 million tonnes per annum of LNG, associated storage capacity of 250,000 m3, and export infrastructure.
Economic Benefits
Woodfibre LNG will bring responsible economic development to Squamish and the region. The project will create an estimated 650+ jobs per year of the two year construction period and 1,080+ jobs in indirect and induced employment during the construction phase. The project will also provide 100+ local jobs and 330+ local jobs in indirect and induced employment during operation.
In addition to good paying jobs, the Woodfibre LNG project will bring an estimated $83.7 million in tax revenue for all three levels of government during the construction phase of the project, and an estimated $86.5 million in tax revenue for all three levels of government each year of operation.
Community Consultation
Community consultation has led to meaningful changes to the project, including the decision to power the liquefaction plant with electricity from BC Hydro, instead of natural gas.
“We’ve spent the last two and a half years having conversations in the community to ensure that we understand their concerns and act on their priorities,” said Byng Giraud, Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Woodfibre LNG Limited. “By powering our facility with electricity, we will reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by about 80%, and make Woodfibre LNG one of the cleanest LNG facilities in the world.”
For more information about the project, please visit or send an email to [email protected]