News & Insights
$22,000 in grants awarded in support of youth culture, education, and sports in Squamish
Jan 25, 2017
Woodfibre LNG Limited is proud to announce that $22,000 in grants have been awarded to six worthy recipients of our Community Sponsorship Program. In December 2016 and January 2017 grant cheques were presented to representatives of the following groups:
The Squamish Sikh Society ($5,000 grant)
- to purchase musical instruments for students in the school programs offered by the society
Britannia Mine Museum ($5,000 grant)
- to support museum education programs focussed on natural resource management and sustainability offered to schools in the region
Spakwus 50 – Squamish Mountain Bike Festival ($3,000 grant)
- sponsorship of mountain bike races planned for 2017
835 Griffin Royal Canadian Air Cadets ($3,000 grant)
- to pay for Level One first aid training for all the members of the group
Howe Sound Hitmen Football Club ($3,000 grant)
- to purchase shoulder pads, helmets and jerseys
Squamish Field Hockey Club ($3,000 grant)
- to purchase equipment, jerseys and insurance for players between the ages of 9 and 17
“We continue to be impressed with the quality and diversity of volunteer organizations in Squamish,” said Byng Giraud, Country Manager and Vice President of Corporate Affairs.
“The longer we are part of this community, the more we learn about the many people who work quietly behind the scenes to give back to the community,” said Giraud. “We are very proud that we are, in some small way, are able to help and support these volunteers in their critical and often unsung efforts.”
The community Sponsorship Program is just one part of Woodfibre LNG Limited’s commitment to give back to the local community. Since 2013, Woodfibre LNG has contributed more than $250,000 (including through the Community Sponsorship Program grants) to groups and events that help make Squamish such a vibrant community.
To apply, community groups are encouraged to visit Woodfibre LNG’s website, where criteria and the application form can be found. Applications for the next round of funding will be accepted until March 30, 2017.
About Woodfibre LNG
Woodfibre LNG Limited is planning to build a liquefied natural gas (LNG) processing and export facility at the former Woodfibre Pulp and Paper Mill near Squamish.
The Woodfibre LNG Project comprises construction and operation of a gas processing and liquefaction facility to produce approximately 2.1 million metric tonnes per annum of LNG, associated storage capacity of 250,000 m3, and export infrastructure.