Committed to Sustainability
Woodfibre LNG will be among the world’s lowest emission LNG facilities.

Woodfibre LNG is fortunate to be located in an area known for its natural beauty and extensive biodiversity. We understand how important it is that this region is protected for future generations to enjoy. Our investments in the town of Squamish and surrounding district are helping to build a stronger community through supporting local non-profits, and approximately 100 new long-term operations jobs. The Project has been designed to minimize environmental impacts wherever possible. We are committed to stringent environmental monitoring and reporting through the construction of our facility and during operations.
Sustainability Report
Woodfibre LNG’s inaugural Sustainability Report covers programming in 2023 as well as activities dating back to the company’s inception in 2013. While programming was largely driven by strict and environmentally focused regulatory frameworks, Woodfibre LNG’s overarching sustainability strategy is to, wherever possible, exceed regulatory standards to maximize benefits to the environment and community in the operational area.

Environmental Assessment Approvals
In October 2015, Woodfibre LNG received its Environmental Assessment Certificate from the provincial and federal governments. The Project also received an Environmental Assessment Certificate from the Squamish Nation, making us the first Canadian industrial project to have a non-Treaty Indigenous government as an official environmental regulator.
The Squamish National Environmental Assessment Agreement identifies 13 legally binding conditions that Woodfibre LNG must meet to throughout the construction and operations phases. Having the Squamish Nation as an environmental regulator ensures that our Project aligns with the environmental priorities of the Squamish Nation – the historical stewards of Howe Sound.
Protecting Howe Sound
Howe Sound is a recognized biosphere reserve through the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. It provides habitat for a wide range of marine species including humpback whales, orca, seals, salmon and herring.
Woodfibre LNG recognizes the ecological importance of Howe Sound and has strategies in place to protect and enrich Howe Sound. Beyond cleaning up the historical contamination at our site, we aim to be a net environmental benefit to Howe Sound by protecting water quality, building compensatory habitat and establishing dedicated natural features that enable wildlife to flourish.
Environmental Stewardship
Woodfibre LNG recognizes the environmental importance of Howe Sound and through our partnership with Squamish Nation and the development of the Squamish National Environmental Assessment Agreement (SNEAA), we are committed to protected land, water, air and marine habitat surrounding the Project. The SNEAA is a first of its kind agreement with a non-treaty First Nation in Canada and ensures our plans and actions align with environmental and cultural values of Squamish members. The trust and value placed in this agreement have already led to design changes of the facility that will better help Woodfibre LNG be a lower-emission, lower impact development.
Regular environmental monitoring and reporting are integral to our commitment to sustainability. We maintain transparent communication about our environmental performance with the Squamish Nation and all our regulators and work to continually improve our performance as part of our sustainability goals.
Commitment to Net Zero
Woodfibre LNG will be the world’s first net zero LNG facility, demonstrating that it is possible to produce LNG in a way that has minimal impact on the environment. Woodfibre LNG will be among the world’s lowest emission LNG facilities in the world and support the world’s transition away from more carbon intensive sources of energy.
Our Approach
Woodfibre LNG has adopted a 5Cs approach, where results are intended to be mutually beneficial to the Community, Country, Climate, Customer and Company.
- Maximizing local benefits to the Community and Indigenous groups.
- Generating revenue and establishing a strong brand for the Country (Canadian LNG).
- Supporting the global energy transition to preserve the Climate.
- Considering the needs and demands of Customers and allies in Canadian and overseas markets.
- Creating a showcase Project that benefits the Company.
Woodfibre LNG is the first industrial project in Canada to recognize a non-treaty Indigenous government, Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish Nation), as an environmental regulator. Maintaining respectful and meaningful partnerships with local First Nations underlies Woodfibre LNG’s approach to developing its net zero strategy and to constructing and operating the project in a way that will contribute to a resilient community in Squamish and a net zero future for Canada and the world.