Reconciliation in Action

Woodfibre LNG works alongside Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish Nation) to advance shared goals of cultural and environmental preservation, together with economic growth and diversification. Woodfibre LNG is proud to have Squamish Nation as both a project partner and an environmental regulator.

Fulfilling our Commitments

Woodfibre LNG is the first industrial project in Canada to recognize a non-treaty Indigenous government, the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish Nation), as a regulator on our Project alongside the Government of British Columbia and the Government of Canada.

Creating Local Opportunities

We are committed to ensuring local people and businesses benefit from our Project, with hiring and procurement priority given to qualified Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish Nation) members first, then other Indigenous peoples, Squamish residents, British Columbians, and other Canadians.

Indigenous Reconciliation


Construction Opportunities


Safely Building the World’s First Net Zero LNG Facility

The Woodfibre LNG Project will be the world’s first net zero LNG export facility and will set a new global standard for sustainability in the industry. Woodfibre LNG is committed to building the facility in a way that protects human health and safety, including the safety of Indigenous peoples, women and girls – both in the community and on our construction site.


Woodfibre LNG is committed to ensuring that local individuals and businesses benefit from our Project, both during construction and in future operations.

Woodfibre LNG Careers

At peak construction we’ll have approximately 800 people working on site, and about 100 long-term operations roles.

Business Opportunities

Sign up to ensure that your business meets procurement requirements for Project opportunities. The Directory will be shared with contractors involved in Project-related activities on a regular basis.

Net Zero
Low Emission by Intentional Design

Powered by renewable hydroelectricity, Woodfibre LNG is designed to be among the lowest carbon intensive LNG export facilities in the world. Woodfibre LNG prioritizes electric drive compressors and other technologies to reduce and avoid emissions.